PLEASE NOTE - as of January 2022, we are no longer selling registration keys for Markin and TexToys.
The product information on this site is now provided for information only. Compatibility of TexToys with recent verisons of Windows cannot be guaranteed, and we cannot provide any support for anyone trying to install or use the software.
However, we are now offering a free registration key:
Username: Free user
Key: TJWZHL-177591
What is TexToys?
TexToys is a suite of two authoring programs, WebRhubarb and WebSequitur. The programs are used to create web pages (HTML documents) which contain interactive language-learning exercises. The exercises are based on the Rhubarb and Sequitur programs originally developed by John and Muriel Higgins.
Once you have created the exercises, you can deliver them to your students in the form of web pages.
Although it contains two different authoring programs, TexToys is downloaded and installed as a single package - see the download page for details.
TexToys is shareware, so you can download and install it free of charge. However, the shareware package is restricted - to take full advantage of all the program and hosting features, you must register the TexToys package using free registration key provided above.
As well as pages containing detailed information about each program, we have also included a full tutorial for both programs on this site. Click here to begin this tutorial.